A Miraculous People

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A Miraculous People


Volume 5 | 200 Series

A Miraculous People: A Pentecostal Study on Expecting Miracles 

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A Miraculous People: A Pentecostal Study on Expecting Miracles 

In this volume of the Discipling Pentecostals series, Miriam Figueroa takes a decidedly Pentecostal and pastoral approach to teaching and understanding miracles, signs, and wonders. Indeed, A Miraculous People not only teaches and encourages the reader, but also applies spiritual discipleship principles, such as the vital role of faith in expecting a miracle and trusting God in spite of discouraging circumstances.

In Week One, Dr. Figueroa applies the spiritual principles found in Exodus 14 under the topic “Can’t Go Back, Can’t Move Ahead.” In week Two, “Miracles on the Way to a miracle”, 1 KINGS 17, becomes the backdrop for an even more personal study of miracles and how they can work with Jesus Himself, which is discussed in Week Three—“Is Jesus Really Saying ‘No’?”  Week Four rounds out A Miraculous People as we learn to expect miracles when we encounter the powerful ministry of the Apostles of Christ in “Stairsteps to a Miracle—Faith, Hope, and Love.”